Friday, April 11, 2008

The God Particle (click for more info)

USA Newspaper

The father of a theoretic subatomic particle dubbed "the God particle" sayshe's almost sures it will be confirmed in the next year in a race between powerfulresearch equipment in the USA and Europe. British physicist Perer Higgs, who morethan 49 years ago postulated the existence of the particle in the makeup of the atome, said his visit to a new accelerrator in Geneva last wekk encouraged him that the "Higgs boson" particle will sonn be seen.......It is believed that these devices will recreate the rapidly changing condions that occurred a split second after the geginning of the universe.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

At some time in my musings, I found myself attempting to get a grasp on "the whole world", in a way that was unavailable to my grandparents or even my parents. In their worlds of the late 19'th century and the early and middle 20'th century immediate world information was not available to them in the way we have it now. While there are still parts of the world where this is true, I know it is rapidly changing. As I meditated, the question popped in my mind, "what is the difference between me and all those people out there. The answer that drifted into my awareness was, "they were born there, and I was born here". Had I been born in China or New Zealand, I would have been taught a different concept of God as well as different rules to live by on a daily basis. The person I am now and the way I express my consciousness has its roots in a small Indiana town, which was forming its roots during the 1820s and 30s, and the area had its roots in the older world of Native Americans. We could even go back to the end of the last ice age 10,000 years ago and locate even deeper roots. Yet, had I been born in China, my perspective of roots for myself and my geography would be very different. As someone who has studied the body and mind for 50 years, I know about the influence of genetics and environmental effects on who we become, yet given all those complex elements, the creation of our concept of God is primarily formed by where (and to whom) we are born.

Monday, March 10, 2008

In the Beginning

Over the next few posts, I will review the world I grew up in and lay some ground work for the eventual conclusions I hold at this juncture in my life. I am close to my three score and ten, so there are many years that have gone into this journey. This journey is my personal experience. If you do a search "The God Project" you will find that allot has already been written under this title. Yet, we all have a history that has lead up to our present ideas and beliefs about "God". And, we all have had events that uniquely played a part in our current view of Life and a Higher Power. Some of these events I wish to share, and I invite you to share your perspectives, personal events and experiences, as well as your current outlook. So let me begin with the term I have come to use for God; I use "Life Force", that "SOMETHING" within everything from the smallest element to the largest structures. "IT" is the something that can be sensed, felt, known, experienced, and seen -- in the form of the physical world. For now, however, let me share some of my journey.